Individual Existential Therapy in Singapore, Asia, and Online

You are the expert of your own life. Sometimes, you just need a little help unlocking that expertise.

Give yourself the gift of therapy – a place to look after yourself so you can show up in life.

It looks like you are in a good place in life ... but, looks can be deceiving.

You have a great job, a perfect relationship, excellent health, and financial freedom to achieve your bucket list goals. At least on paper, it seems so.

However, something is still lacking. What is it? You can’t seem to put a finger on it. You only know you can’t trust yourself to make even the smallest decisions. A sense of guilt and shame when your decisions disrupt the harmony in the group. Sometimes, you feel like a total fraud.

You often think, “Is life really worth living if I cannot even enjoy being comfortable in my own skin or feel fulfilled in my relationships?”

Fortunately, therapy can be the greatest act of self-love that you can create for yourself. It facilitates in finding a different way of living -calling into being your existence as a person with unique needs and wants. As someone good enough to enjoy meaningful relationships with.

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Thrive at work and in life with the gift of therapy.

Big life changes can undermine your ability to reach your fullest potential.

Transitions are a natural part of life. Yet, it can be difficult to navigate them without experiencing uncertainty, anxiety, depression, or a loss of meaning in life. Together, we will focus on developing the courage to explore new options, navigate transitions, and make difficult decisions. The goal is for you to get the most out of life.

My specializations include:

  • Caregiving
  • Death and dying
  • Family-related issues
  • Grief and Bereavement
  • Life transitions (entering college, starting/switching careers, getting married, retiring, etc.)
  • Mid/quarter-life crisis
  • Migration or moving homes
  • Parenting (new parents, parents with special needs, parents losing a child)
  • Relationship difficulties

Sometimes all you need is for someone to show you that the answers are within you all along … to listen to you while you declutter the mess in your mind.

Are you feeling any of these common concerns?

  • Alone in the World — You are overwhelmed by uncertainty and feel that no one understands you.
  • Unsettling Emotions — You experience overwhelming feelings of depression and anxiety, which leaves you helpless in coping with everyday problems.
  • Voiceless in Life — You have a lot to offer to the world but question if your thoughts, emotions, and ideas are valued.
  • Everything is Meaningless — You doubt your purpose in the world and have a sense that problems never improve despite help from family and  friends.

Mental health is not just for those who feel helpless. It is for anyone experiencing problems and concerns in their daily life. That is all of us.

Existential Therapy gives you the freedom to discover yourself.

Arrive at your own insights  
The therapist is merely a facilitator—a guide who shines a torch on the blind spots (or what others might call the “unconsciousness”) in your life. Our journey is not dogmatic nor prescriptive, and you will learn to make choices that are true to yourself.

Gain a bigger worldview
We will work with paradoxes, polarities and tensions in your personal, social and spiritual lives. More choices and positions, which you weren’t aware of, will surface. We will clear the confusion, stick with your truth and expand your worldview.

Go beyond the labels
Many of our sufferings and issues are a result of difficulties in living rather than a diagnosed neurological problem. Encompassing believes that nobody should dictate how you should live because of your diagnosis, weaknesses, disposition, imperfection or personality.

Become the expert of your life
We will explore how to get more comfortable living with the anxieties and uncertainties in life. You will understand that uncomfortable feelings are part of the human condition. You can achieve personal autonomy, authenticity and the freedom to decide what is best for yourself and with others.

I don’t believe in telling you how to live your life. I’m here to walk alongside you, as you discover that you are still the expert of your own life.

What happens in a chemistry session?

The purpose of a chemistry session is to get a fuller sense of your present circumstances and goals and expectations of therapy. And, you can get a feel for how I work in therapy.
A chemistry session can help you decide whether we make an effective team by giving you insight into how therapy with me works and how it’s different from other types of therapy.
From there, we will decide together if I am a good fit for you. If not, you will walk away with a better understanding of what therapy is and can be like. This will equip you with better resources as you continue on your search for the right therapist. If you’re interested in knowing more about how therapy with me can help you, I encourage you to reach out and schedule a chemistry session today.

Take the next step today.

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