Working with Stuckness in the Room

I stare at the clock as the minutes crawl by, feeling trapped in a groundhog day. No matter what doors I try to open, each one leads to a dead end or resistance. I want to do something yet feel powerless, any momentum halted by a wall I cannot seem to break through. Self-doubt creeps […]
Finding My Voice: Navigating Authenticity as an Asian

As an Asian raised with collectivist values, I struggled to find my voice. Expressing my true thoughts and feelings didn’t always align with keeping harmony. I often wondered, “Can I really be my authentic self if I do not openly assert my individuality?” Pop culture frequently equates authenticity with freely articulating your inner world. But […]
How to Find the Right Therapist for Yourself

There are decisions you want to make in life but have been stuck making them. You are prepared to embark on your own therapy journey and find a professional who can support you as you make these decisions. However, there are many therapists out there and it’s difficult finding the right one! Some of you […]
What Does an Existential Crisis Look Like?

Existential crisis is like a call from our soul. It is calling out to us to live more meaningfully. As long as we are humans, we can’t avoid going through an existential crisis. Even psychotherapists do. In fact, I went through one myself in 2020. Let’s walk down memory lane. Lockdown in Singapore 2 weeks […]
Looking at Developing Yourself Personally and Professionally in 2023?

A process group is a safe space where the standard rules that govern ‘polite’ social interactions are intentionally put aside so that we can may way for authentic and honest conversations. Different from a support groups and psychoeducational groups, process groups provides a safe environment for us to identify and explore feelings and, practice new, […]
Two Helpful Tips to Finding the Right Therapist for You

I don’t know what to ask my therapist to decide if we are a good fit! I don’t even know what my options are! This is a common feedback I often receive from those who are considering therapy. Choosing the right fit with a therapist can be a daunting experience in itself. This could be […]
Chemistry Session: When and How to Start

So you’ve decided that you need therapy. The next question to ask is “when should I begin?” The fact that we need therapy does not always mean that now is always the right time. I like to share this with my clients: therapy is only 50 minutes per week. That’s a very short time to solve anything. For […]
Chemistry Session: Embracing Therapy for Yourself

Many clients who come into the therapy room voice out a common struggle: they feel incapable of making the right choices for themselves, whether it is not knowing what they want, not having the power to make decisions for themselves or feeling afraid of making the wrong choice in life. This happens a lot to […]
My Love for Process Groups

My first experience of being in a Process Group was back in my university days. Sitting in a circle with my classmates, I wondered: What do we do here? Nobody says anything. The atmosphere has changed. I sense anxiety in the air. The facilitator does not say much too. We look at each other, probably […]
A Powerful Tool For Change – Couples Process Groups with Love 99

Encompassing Therapy and Counselling is proud to partner with Love99. this year to promote the importance of meaningful conversations about love. Organised by Singaporeans for Singapore, this is a sports and cultural event where couples walk, learn, celebrate and fund raise as they renew their commitment to one another. To know more about Love 99, […]