Encompassing Therapy and Counselling is proud to partner with Love99. this year to promote the importance of meaningful conversations about love. Organised by Singaporeans for Singapore, this is a sports and cultural event where couples walk, learn, celebrate and fund raise as they renew their commitment to one another. To know more about Love 99, check out their website!
As part of our support for this meaningful cause, Encompassing Therapy and Counselling will be organising Couples Process Groups (taster sessions) for the participants. Different from a psychoeducational or support group, Process Groups provide a safe space for people from different walks of life to come together to learn from each other as they learn to identify and explore experiences and practice healthier and more intimate ways of relating to themselves and others. If you want to know more about Process Groups, click here.
We currently still have slots for the upcoming taster session on 20th Nov and 4th Dec 2021. Limited spaces available. Sign up now!
See below for more details!
About the Author
Hi, I'm Mag: a UKCP-accredited counselling psychologist and founder of Singapore’s first ever existential practice. My care philosophy is not to diagnose, label, or categorise but rather to work with the individual in front of me in the here and now.
My clinical credentials certainly play a significant role in defining my professional identity. But to foster a deeper connection and authenticity, I invite you to discover my other “Selves”, the various facets of who I am.