Understanding ‘Otherness’: Phenomenological Practice in Cross-Cultural Encounters

Being positioned as different. I am a psychologist and I work on a doctoral programme in the UK. I have found the world to be far more complex than most psychological theorists suggest, and that is why I have taken up an approach which we refer to as ‘phenomenological.’ Phenomenology is a practice that is […]
Working with Stuckness in the Room

I stare at the clock as the minutes crawl by, feeling trapped in a groundhog day. No matter what doors I try to open, each one leads to a dead end or resistance. I want to do something yet feel powerless, any momentum halted by a wall I cannot seem to break through. Self-doubt creeps […]
What Does an Existential Crisis Look Like?

Existential crisis is like a call from our soul. It is calling out to us to live more meaningfully. As long as we are humans, we can’t avoid going through an existential crisis. Even psychotherapists do. In fact, I went through one myself in 2020. Let’s walk down memory lane. Lockdown in Singapore 2 weeks […]
Coping With Anxiety

Living with anxiety can be very tiring. At this time, it is important to look after your physical health, practice good sleep hygiene and form strong and healthy support networks. Keeping up with a meditation practice or even just practicing breathing exercises has shown help some of us cope and feel more in control. Apps […]
Reflections: How Did I Become an Authenticity Researcher?

For a long time now, I have always wondered if authenticity and being Asian are compatible. Having grown up in Singapore and coming from a traditional Chinese family, I’ve been taught to greet my elders and respect authority figures. We have a saying in mandarin, ‘ 入得厨房 出得厅堂’. It means that an ideal woman is […]
Authenticity: Is Being True to Ourselves Enough?

What do you think of this necklace?” the wife asked. It was a thin silver chain with a dark, large stone encased in silver. “I think it’s gaudy, something my grandmother might wear,” the husband replied. What is your first response if you were the wife? The husband here is Dennis D. Waskul, a professor […]